Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Pyramid of Giza tomb or a power station Review Essay Example

Pyramid of Giza: burial chamber or a force station? Audit Paper Exposition on Pyramid of Giza: burial chamber or a force station? Furthermore, thank you for your consideration, which I generally anticipate. With regards to the pyramids yet about them regularly of late we hear we should consistently focus on the most proficient method to decipher their development: Who assembled them? Soviet historiography encouraged that they were slaves, since, they state, the Egyptian culture was slave. No, it was most certainly not. The vast majority of the occupants were free men, despite the fact that the slaves in a modest number were moreover. In the twentieth century still in the head couldn't come, what could assemble a people who are not slaves: in the head awful fit, what, and by what means may make individuals (it is!) The majority to acknowledge the difficulties crazy development, which is an absolute necessity be a fantastic figment of awareness, how it ought to be fanciful cognizance all over the entire of Egyptian culture to suffer more than 20 years of such long haul development. In no way like? What's more, wh o is currently an assurance that such self-misleading joined with exacting social trickery that produce amazing social figments it is a one of a kind wonder, restrictive? No, in light of the fact that not special, and not select. Or maybe a coldblooded law society, which, on account of the experience typified in the pyramids (culture) of an entire people, we can find, investigate and take a stab at, to learn exercises the chance of even minded outcomes. Pyramid as a landmark of culture uncovers the genuine dramatization of open existence of Egypts human progress. The deceptive objective of building the fantasy of development and its destiny stows away out of sight is very levelheaded outcome to which it is humankind, opening the pyramid, as the epitome of the show one single progress. Because of the pyramids, we become beneficiaries of her social experience, notwithstanding the open cognizance the figment of her (and his as well!). remarkable financial switches (methods of activity lie in the creation framework based the alleged politarizm what it is, see here.) were found and how control of cognizance is a significant cultivated and free individuals. No joke, if an American Egyptologist educator of history a lady says, for instance, that a typical Egyptian of that time was a man more free than the normal American before 1950! Also, the most striking thing is that the pyramid manufacturers were free men, in spite of the fact that it is in monetary reliance from the legislature and detained his ideological preferences. Such is the inconsistency of human culture by and large and Egypt specifically. Pyramid of Giza burial place or a force station Review Essay Example Pyramid of Giza: burial place or a force station? Survey Paper Article on Pyramid of Giza: burial place or a force station? What's more, thank you for your consideration, which I generally anticipate. With regards to the pyramids however about them frequently recently we hear we should consistently focus on the most proficient method to decipher their development: Who assembled them? Soviet historiography encouraged that they were slaves, since, they state, the Egyptian culture was slave. No, it was definitely not. The majority of the occupants were free men, in spite of the fact that the slaves in a modest number were too. In the twentieth century still in the head couldn't come, what could assemble a people who are not slaves: in the head awful fit, what, and by what method may make individuals (it is!) The majority to acknowledge the difficulties crazy development, which is an unquestionable requirement be an excellent dream of awareness, how it ought to be fanciful cognizance here and there the entire of Egyptian culture to suffer more than 20 years of such long haul development. In no way like? Also, who is presently an assurance that such self-duplicity joined with severe social double dealing that produce incredible social fantasies it is a one of a kind marvel, elite? No, in light of the fact that not one of a kind, and not selective. Or maybe a brutal law society, which, because of the experience epitomized in the pyramids (culture) of an entire people, we can find, investigate and take a stab at, to learn exercises the chance of sober minded outcomes. Pyramid as a landmark of culture uncovers the genuine dramatization of open existence of Egypts human progress. The deceptive objective of building the hallucination of development and its destiny stows away out of sight is very normal outcome to which it is mankind, opening the pyramid, as the exemplification of the show one single human advancement. Because of the pyramids, we become beneficiaries of her social experience, despite the open cognizance the figment of her (and his as well!). phenomenal financial switches (meth ods of activity lie in the creation framework based the purported politarizm what it is, see here.) were found and how control of awareness is a significant humanized and free individuals. No joke, if an American Egyptologist teacher of history a lady says, for instance, that a typical Egyptian of that time was a man more free than the normal American before 1950! Also, the most striking thing is that the pyramid manufacturers were free men, in spite of the fact that it is in monetary reliance from the administration and detained his ideological partialities. Such is the logical inconsistency of human culture when all is said in done and Egypt specifically: just through dreams forerunners we can maintain a strategic distance from their repeat, to get more liberated. Pyramid of Giza burial chamber or a force station Review Essay Example Pyramid of Giza: burial chamber or a force station? Survey Paper Exposition on Pyramid of Giza: burial chamber or a force station? Furthermore, thank you for your consideration, which I generally anticipate. With regards to the pyramids yet about them regularly recently we hear we should consistently focus on the most proficient method to decipher their development: Who constructed them? Soviet historiography instructed that they were slaves, since Egyptian culture was a slave. The head couldn't come, what could manufacture a people who are not slaves: in the head terrible fit, what, and by what means may make individuals (it is!) The majority to acknowledge the difficulties crazy development, which it must be amazing figment of awareness, how it ought to be fanciful cognizance here and there the entire of Egyptian culture to suffer more than 20 years of such long haul development. In no way like? What's more, who is presently an assurance that such self-trickiness joined with exacting social double dealing that create incredible social fantasies it is a one of a kind wonder, selective? No, on the grounds that n ot interesting, and not elite. Or maybe an unfeeling law society, which, on account of the experience epitomized in the pyramids (culture) of an entire people, we can find, investigate and take a stab at, to learn exercises the chance of commonsense results. Pyramid as a landmark of culture uncovers the genuine dramatization of open existence of Egypts human progress. The fanciful objective of building the deception of development and its destiny stows away out of sight is very sound outcome to which it is mankind, opening the pyramid, as the epitome of the show one single human advancement. Because of the pyramids, we become beneficiaries of her social experience, regardless of the open cognizance the dream of her (and his as well!). Opened extraordinary financial switches (methods of activity fundamental the creation framework) and how control of cognizance is a serious humanized and free individuals. No joke, if an American Egyptologist teacher of history a lady says, for instanc e, that a typical Egyptian of that time was a man more free than any American until 1950! What's more, the most striking thing is that the pyramid manufacturers were free men, in spite of the fact that it is in financial reliance from the administration and detained his ideological preferences. Such is the inconsistency of human culture all in all and Egypt specifically. Pyramid of Giza burial place or a force station Review Essay Example Pyramid of Giza: burial place or a force station? Survey Paper Paper on Pyramid of Giza: burial place or a force station? Also, thank you for your consideration, which I generally anticipate. With regards to the pyramids yet about them frequently of late we hear we should consistently focus on the most proficient method to decipher their development: Who assembled them? Soviet historiography trained that they were slaves, since Egyptian culture was a slave. The head couldn't come, what could fabricate a people who are not slaves: in the head terrible fit, what, and in what capacity may make individuals (it is!) The majority to acknowledge the difficulties crazy development, which it must be amazing dream of awareness, how it ought to be fanciful cognizance all over the entire of Egyptian culture to suffer more than 20 years of such long haul development. Not at all like? Furthermore, who is presently an assurance that such self-trickiness joined with exacting social misdirection that produce incredible social fantasies it is an interesting marvel, select? No, on the grounds that not special, and not sel ective. Or maybe a remorseless law society, which, on account of the experience exemplified in the pyramids (culture) of an entire people, we can find, investigate and take a stab at, to learn exercises the chance of down to earth outcomes. Pyramid as a landmark of culture uncovers the genuine dramatization of open existence of Egypts human progress. The fanciful objective of building the dream of development and its destiny covers up out of sight is very judicious outcome to which it is mankind, opening the pyramid, as the epitome of the show one single human advancement. Because of the pyramids, we become beneficiaries of her social experience, regardless of the open awareness the deception of her (and his as well!). Opened exceptional monetary switches (methods of activity basic the creation framework) and how control of awareness is a serious enlightened and free individuals. No joke, if an American Egyptologist educator of history a lady says, for instance, that a typical Egypt ian of that time was a man more free than the normal American before 1950! Also, the most striking thing is that the pyramid developers were free men, in spite of the fact that it is in monetary reliance from the legislature and detained his ideological preferences. Such is the logical inconsistency of human culture by and large and Egypt specifically.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Applications of Conics in Acoustics essays

Uses of Conics in Acoustics articles Acoustic is characterized as of or identifying with sound, or the study of sound. Of the four significant conic areas, circles and parabolas can have exceptional applications in this science. Some normal utilizations of these are the utilization of curved shape for murmuring back streets and an allegorical shape in many speakers. are a similar good ways from a given point, called the center, and a given line, the directrix. The vertical line speaks to the directrix. The point named F is the focal point of the parabola. The separations d1 and d2 are equivalent. The bend of a parabola causes any article that heads out from the concentration to the parabola to skip toward a path opposite to the directrix away from the parabola. This thusly causes any item or wave that comes into the parabola oppositely to the directrix to be skiped and reflected straightforwardly at the focal point of the parabola. Such intelligent properties can be particularly helpful in such gadgets as allegorical receptor and speakers. A speaker with an illustrative shape can start the sound vibrations at the center, and afterward ricochet them off the dividers of the speaker to deliver focused and coordinated sound waves. The drawing shows how an approaching beam ricochets from the parabola to the center, at that point away. This is additionally an exceptionally successful procedure to utilize when you need to extend a sound to a specific region. This method has numerous applications, for example, in show corridors and assembly rooms. At the point when you need to extend a sound to a specific spot rather than a bigger territory, two parabolas are required. The main parabola mirrors the sound from its concentration in an orderly fashion to the subsequent parabola. This parabola will at that point get the sound waves, and they will all be reflected into the focal point of this parabola simultaneously. The intelligent properties of parabolas are additionally utilized in explanatory mouthpieces. Illustrative mouthpieces go through this technique to pick sound waves from enormous separations. For these receivers to w ... <!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Unpacking the Development Practioners Lab within the MPA-DP program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Unpacking the Development Practioner’s Lab within the MPA-DP program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog One of the key reasons why I chose the MPA-Development Practice program at SIPA was its focus on building hard skills through workshops and innovative teaching methods that I would use later on in my professional career. For me, graduate school was going to be a bit of a hurdle as I had worked professionally for five years and clearly saw my strengths in practical work rather than academic theoretical learning. The DP-Lab was a perfect opportunity to learn with real cases and examples. The Development Practitioner Lab, or DP Lab, is a required course within the MPA-DP graduate program that spans two semesters. The lab methodically delivers hands-on training for high priority skills in the field of development practice. The course was designed by Professor André Corrêa dAlmeida, whos the program manager, and Laura Budzyna, MPA-DP 12. The lab spans three hours and brings each member of the cohort together for team-oriented and practitioner-led workshops. For me, it was a great way to first get to know my classmates and dive into the hard skills with the mentorship of an established practitioner. It consists of eight  labs each semester and has provided so much value to the students that it has gone from a one-credit pass/fail class to a one-point-five-credit letter graded course. Each semester, the DP Lab focuses on a different competency, complementing the knowledge learned in the programs core courses. Fall 2015 workshops have included:  Stakeholder Institutional Analysis;  Problem Mapping and Causal Analysis;  Logical Framework Analysis;  Spatial Analysis with ArcGIS; and  Mobile Data Collection. A sample of the collaborative ideas generated through teamwork in DP lab. The skills learned in DP Lab are used almost immediately, whether it is within other SIPA courses or the required MPA-DP Summer Field Placement. “DP Lab helped me gain and refine fundamental skills for development practitioners that I utilized in my Summer Field Placement with the National Disabled Peoples Organization of Timor-Leste, says Angela Kohama, MPA-DP 16. I was able to master these skills to the point that I am now the assistant for the course this fall, and anticipate using this development practitioner toolkit in my professional life after the MPA in Development Practice program.” Kohama adds she learned more about  qualitative data collection and program evaluation skills in the DP Lab. The DP Lab also provides a great opportunity to network and get to know leading development practitioners. Budzyna regularly teaches the workshop,  Monitoring and Evaluation, and now works at MIT’s D-Lab. After attending her workshop, Jimena Espinosa, MPA-DP 16, and Laura Lehman, MPA-DP 16, were both accepted as International Development Design Summit Monitoring Evaluation Fellows at the International Development Innovation Network, a partner network of MIT D-Lab. As fellows, they supported the organizational learning through monitoring and evaluation for International Development Design Summits in Colombia, Botswana and India. Other guest practitioners have included: Katherine Rockwell, Office of the UN Secretary Generals Special Envoy for Financing the Health MDGs and for Malaria; Kate Granger, Fintrac; Daniel Charette, Development Alternatives Incorporated; and Nikolas Katsimpras, Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity, AC4,  Columbia University. If youre interested in learning more about the DP-Lab or about the MPA-DP program in general, feel free to email me! Top image:    Chukwudumebi  (Dumebi)  Ubogu  and Lina Henao collaborate on a DP lab assignment using their new ICT4D skills.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Addiction and Eating Disorders - 641 Words

The main question: Consider the common themes and differences between the two health psychology issues chosen. Introduction The main two psychological issues are addiction and eating disorders and the concept of addiction has developed over the past several years. Substance dependence is the most closely related concept of the everyday meaning of addiction, and to meet the criteria for substance dependence one must demonstrate several, but not all of the following criteria: †¢ Difficulty in controlling while in use. †¢ Continued behavior or use of a substance despite evidence of harm or other negative consequences †¢ Other important activities frequently put off or neglected as a result of use. Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Addiction affects neuro transmission and interactions within reward structures of the brain, including the interior cingulate cortex, basal forebrain and amygdala, such that motivational hierarchies are altered and addictive behaviors, which may or may not include alcohol and other drug use, supplant healthy, self-care related behaviors. While on the other side Eating disorders are a group of conditions in which youre so preoccupied with food and weight that you can often focus on little else. The main types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. The assignment will try to bring in the difference between the addiction and eatingShow MoreRelatedIn a sense, we are all addicted to food. Think about what it feels like when you aren’t able to800 Words   |  4 Pagescravings go on for. At that point eating becomes the most important thing for you to do. This is the constant experience of people struggling with food addiction. An abundance of food changes nothing to an overeater’s appetite. Food is essential to survival, and unlike other addictive behaviors, it is normal to eat repeatedly every day, and even to look forward to eating for pleasure. Several characteristics separate normal eating from a food addiction or binge eating. When an addict’s binge beginsRead MoreThe Dangers Of Excessive Exercise And Diet995 Words   |  4 Pagesexercising because either excessive or inconsiderable amounts can lead to eating disorders, addiction or permanent damage to health. People diet and exercise for different reasons, but what many do not realize is that too much exercise can be detrimental to our health. Along with dieting, many people will find themselves in a vicious cycle and develop an addiction to dieting an exercising. If we look back, exercise addiction was looked at as a positive thing according to Glasser (1976). ContraryRead MoreAnorexia Nervos Eating Disorders Association1013 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that affects about 0.5 to 1 percent of women in the United States today. (Anorexia Nervosa | National Eating Disorders Association) While, that may not seem like a lot of people are suffering from Anorexia nervosa it has received a significant amount of attention due to the consequences of developing this disorder. For example, it is reported that five to twenty percent of people who have Anorexia Nervosa will eventually succumb to theirRead MoreHow Can A Passion, Habit Or Routine Becomes An Obsession?1347 Words   |  6 Pagesnot even know it. It sounds unthinkable, but, it is a real situation, present especially in males, teenagers, adults around 18 to 40, in athletes that also have a higher possibility together with models, who experiences this addiction. According to a webpage named Eating Disorder Hope, endorse the next statement reviewed by Jacquelyn Ekern â€Å"Exercise and nutrition are foundational to good health, but extreme beh aviors can be a red flag indicating unhealthy behaviors† (Ekern, p. 1). It means that it isRead MoreHunger1287 Words   |  6 PagesLamott introduces herself and her struggle with food addiction and her battle with eating disorders that she suffered in the early part of her life. In this story she talks about her life how she was growing up, her personal obsession with food, her battle with alcoholism, and addiction to eating. Lamott in the short story hunger also covers her struggle for life with the eating disorder bulimia. The author throughout her story learns that her addiction and her battle with alcoholism were only symptomsRead MoreThe Potential Causes And Possible Treatment Of Exercise Addiction959 Words   |  4 Pagescauses and possible treatment of exercise addiction Unquestionably, physical activity complements the quality of life for an individual, while exercising on a regular basis results in many benefits. Nevertheless despite the great benefit of sport, many experts commonly agree that physical activity may be harmful. One of the unfavourable areas within sport, which is frequently examined by researchers, is exercise addiction. The predominance of exercise addiction is quite rare in reality, but when presentRead MoreFood Addiction1518 Words   |  7 PagesAddiction is a dependence on a substance in which the affected individual feels powerless to stop. Millions of Americans have addictions to drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and even to behaviors such as compulsive gambling and shopping. Our recent studies suggest that millions of Americans are addicted to food, as well. An average American is bombarded daily with random propaganda to try to sell what some would consider perfection. Most American citizens try to emulate those fictional character s in celebrityRead MoreEssay on Food Addiction in America1499 Words   |  6 Pages Addiction is a dependence on a substance in which the affected individual feels powerless to stop. Millions of Americans have addictions to drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and even to behaviors such as compulsive gambling and shopping. Recent studies suggest that millions of Americans are addicted to food, as well. An average American is bombarded daily with random propaganda to try to sell what some would consider perfection. Most American citizens try to emulate those fictional characters inRead MoreAddiction Vs. Obsession : Addiction Versus Obsession815 Words   |  4 PagesAddiction vs. Obsession In the reality TV show â€Å"My Strange Addiction,† participants are brought on to showcase how their â€Å"addictions† impact their everyday lives. These participants open themselves up to display to the viewers what it is like to live with their bizarre inclinations. Once, the participants display their â€Å"strange addiction,† they will go to a physician to see how they can change their habits. Some participants â€Å"addictions† may be weird, but nonetheless, harmless. Examples would be:Read MoreEssay about Effects of Shopping Addiction915 Words   |  4 PagesEffects of Shopping Addiction Shopping is a necessary part of life. We shop for food, clothing, cars, homes, or anything that may be a necessity to survive. If shopping is necessary, how can it also be an addiction? The answer is the same as with other addictions. According to Wikipedia, addiction is the continued use of a mood altering substance or behavior despite adverse dependency consequences or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors. Oniomania, which is a Greek word meaning for

Monday, May 11, 2020

Sources Of Finance The Statement Of Financial Position

Identified sources of finance in the statement of financial position Debenture A debenture is the most common form of long term loan that can be taken by Humbro. Debentures are usually loans that are repayable on a fixed date this is in the statement of financial position under the heading Non-current liabilities (8,000) in both 2011 and 2012. Most debentures pay a fixed rate of interest which you can also see in the statement of financial position under current liabilities titled debenture interest (800) for year 2011 and 2012. The main advantage of a debenture to companies is the fact that they have a lower interest rate than overdrafts. They are usually repayable at a date far off in the future. Retained earnings Retained earnings are profits generated by a company that are not distributed to shareholders as dividends but are either reinvested into the business or kept as a reserve for specific objectives these being to pay off debt or purchase a capital asset. As you can see in Humbros statement of financial position under capital and reserves they have retained earnings at 9,100 in 2011 and 10,500 in year 2012 this has shown an increase which means there is more capital available for growth and higher returns on investments and shareholder equity. Ordinary shares Ordinary share are any shares that are not preference shares and do not have any predetermined dividend amounts. An ordinary share represents equity ownership in a company and entitles the owner to aShow MoreRelatedWhat Are The Types Of Long- Term Finance971 Words   |  4 PagesA high amount of investment is required to enter in a new venture. The main types of long- term finance that are available to make investment in venture capital business includes both internal and external source of finance. Internal source means issue of share capital, debentures, retained earnings, disposal of any surplus asset that is not needed anymore. However, external sources include bank loans, investors’ loan and loans from financing institutions. Projections are the numerical forecastsRead MoreManaging Financial Resources and Decisions1091 Words   |  5 PagesUNIT 2: MANAGING FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND DECISIONS Unit 2: Unit code: QCF level: Credit value: Aim Managing Financial Resources and Decisions H/601/0548 4 15 credits The unit aim is to provide learners with an understanding of where and how to access sources of finance for a business, and the skills to use financial information for decision making. Unit abstract This unit is designed to give learners a broad understanding of the sources and availability of finance for a business organisationRead MoreManaging Financial Resources and Decisions Essay1355 Words   |  6 Pagesimplications of finance as a resource within a business 2 Introduction In this essay I will be discussing and understanding of where and how to access sources of finance for a business, and the skills to use financial information for decision making.    Finance is essential for a business’s  operation, development and expansion. Finance is the core limiting factor for  most businesses and therefore it is crucial for businesses to  manage their  financial resources properly. Finance is available toRead MoreWhat Are The Legal Requirements Of A Business1640 Words   |  7 Pagesit helps the in all tax dealing with the ATO. .Also require a TFN number with the help of Australian taxation office which is a only eight or nine digit number related with tax matter. By the help of TFN individuals can return their tax after one financial year. We can apply for GST for products and services. If our income will be $75000 or more annually, we will also need to register business for Goods and Services Tax (GST) Reason for choosing sole trader business Freedom: sole trader is aRead MoreComprehensive Annual Financial Report ( Cafr )1285 Words   |  6 PagesThe Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is consists of three major sections- introductory, financial, and statistical. The first part includes letter of transmittal, organizational chart, and the certificate of achievement from prior year. To begin with the introductory part, I am pleased to present this written statement presentation for the CAFR of the City of Punta Gorda, Florida for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2013. The City of Punta Gorda are comprised of different entitiesRead MoreCash Flow Statement And Its Benefits And Disadvantages900 Words   |  4 Pagesbusiness finances, the ability to read different financial statements becomes crucial. A cash flow statement is an important and essential part of keeping a record of the business’ financial liquidity. Business’s liquidity matters because it often directly signals the company’s ability to pay off debts and to generate money. In this guide, you’ll learn to understand the definition of a cash flow statement with its benefits and disadvantages. The guide will also look at the structure of a financial statementRead MoreDifferences and Similarities between For-profit and Not-for Profit Organizations999 Words   |  4 PagesFinancial issue: differences and similarities between for-profit and not-for-profit accounting. While for profit organizations and not-for-profit organizations are different in many ways, even down to the core of how and why they conduct business and operate, there are also some similarities about them. Some similarities even go into their accounting uses and methods. Because they both do monetary transactions, they must have some similarities; however because they are very different, they alsoRead MorePersonal Financial Goals And Objectives Essay1044 Words   |  5 PagesFinancial Plan is a written financial goal with define action plans that will help you to achieve such goals. Planning is important to set deliberate actions that will guide you in reaching your goals. It is even necessary when you are further from the set goal. When it comes to money, most individuals would love to manage their personal finances so that they achieve maximum satisfaction from each available currency. To achieve this goal, you must first identify the financial goals and set prioritiesRead MoreGfsgsdf Hshsdfshfd Sdhgw1479 Words   |  6 PagesRESOURCES D/502/5409 LEVEL 3 UNIT 30 GUIDED LEARNING HOURS: 60 UNIT CREDIT VALUE: 10 BUSINESS RESOURCES D/502/5409 LEVEL 3 UNIT 30 PURPOSE OF THE UNIT The unit looks at how a range of resources including human, physical, technological and financial resources are used and managed within business. This unit will help the learner to have an understanding of how human resources are managed and of the employability and personal skills required of personnel in an organisation. Learners will gainRead MoreRole Of The Middle Managers At The Time Of Performing Their Part1613 Words   |  7 Pagesgather the data to provide an effective to them in order to improve the quality of their decisions (Guilding, 2007). 2.3. Tools used for Financial Planning Numerous tools are used for financial planning. Some of them are as follows: 2.3.1. Business Plan It is noticed that a strong strategy for success is the first tool that ought to be utilised as a part of financial planning. Moreover, the business plan lists each basic part of an organisation and it usually starts with a short outline of the whole

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Characteristics of a Good Learning Environment Free Essays

Characteristics of an excellent learning environment. The physical place of the classroom can affect a students learning. I noticed that many classrooms are shaped like a box. We will write a custom essay sample on Characteristics of a Good Learning Environment or any similar topic only for you Order Now In which the teacher stands at the front providing the students with information, rather than knowledge. Classrooms should be designed so that the teacher and students can meet as a group, as well be able to work independently. The method that I find works the best is when students work together as small groups. Information can be better examined and be explained in different perspectives. Students need excellent instructors in their classrooms. Instructors create a natural critical learning environment for their students. Every instuctors environment will be different in some type of way. Some instructors create this environment with lectures, discussions, or role playing. These types of teaching will help students to learn new material and apply it in their lives. Many times an instructor’s lecture is extremely long, and I lose interest. I often look at the clock or daydream after a while. It’s not because I don’t care what their talking about, it’s just that I enjoy working hands on. Instructors play an important role in a student’s success and should teach in a way that students best learn. The role of grades is an important part of evaluating a student. A student who works hard and puts forth a lot of effort will normally earn good grades. The students are eager to learn new material and apply it. Me, myself often works extremely hard to earn good grades. Many times I do not get my desired grade because many times I just do enough to get by. I often get frustrated with myself for not achieving a grade I could have earned. Learning is my number one role and responsibility as a student. If I fail to learn it who will learn it for me. I have to be one hundred percent dedicated to learning new things. I know that every class hat I am attending in college will be applied in my career. I know that I am far from being a good writer but I’m willing to learn how to become one. I will also learn how I could have written this essay better from my instructor. How to cite Characteristics of a Good Learning Environment, Essay examples

Thursday, April 30, 2020

My Expericence in Crowded Bus free essay sample

Public transport is the cheapest and has therefore, always been popular with the masses. The rise in the number of commuters has led to overcrowding in buses on busy routes. A Journey in an overcrowded bus can be a harrowing experience, as I recently found out to my great dismay. It was the rush hour with people returning from their offices or places of work, I somehow managed to push and Jostle my way into the bus inside, people were packed like sardines and the searing heat made the atmosphere unbearable. Twice the number of the people seated on the benches was tanning wherever they could. Their hands were firmly holding the long steel rod or some other thing for support. It was difficult to move, to stretch ones limbs or to take out money from the pocket to buy the ticket. But the conductor seemed to be an expert and sold tickets by moving through the crowd with amazing agility and skill. We will write a custom essay sample on My Expericence in Crowded Bus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All were badly perspiring, children were crying inconsolably and women were shouting loudly. Even in this suffocating atmosphere a few passengers couldnt resist smoking.One child vomited right on his seat. Somebodys toes were trodden upon and he began to utter curses. Noisy arguments began to be heard in all comers, but the Jam-packed bus didnt allow the people to come to blows. A few pockets were picked but, ironically, the pickpocket was unable to get down and was caught almost immediately. It was a miracle that the passengers were managing to get down at their respective stops, but more passengers were getting Into the bus at each stop. I missed my stop and when I finally got down, I heaved a sigh of relief.