Monday, February 17, 2020

Creation vs. Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Creation vs. Evolution - Essay Example Both the terms i.e. creation and evolution have strong interrelations with each other in relation to living organisms wherein the process of evolution takes place after creation (Strobel 98). This aspect can very well be related with the fact that human beings have evolved through apes and this is indeed a fact as there are numerous evidences to prove this fact (Scott 64). However, this essay intends to critically analyze the broad understandings regarding the various aspects of creation and evolution. The role that God played in relation to these two aspects will be also be broadly analyzed upon. DISCUSSION The notion of Creation vs. Evolution has been discussed in the book titled ‘The Case for Faith’ written by Lee Strobel. The book showcased the relationship between creation and evolution and it also highlighted the ways through which the human beings undergo the process of evolution after their creation. It has been learnt that evolution was considered to explain the origin as well as the development of life (Strobel 90). In relation to the beliefs of Christianity, evolution and its theory are considered to be catastrophic. It is felt that evolution can lead to drastic changes in one’s life and also it may result in harmful or depressive activities in the life of an individual or any other living being. It has also been learnt that many Christians have been seen to give rise to numerous objections/obligations in relation to the theory of evolution. In addition, most of the objections have been seen to arise in recent times only (Strobel 90). However, the two aspec ts of evolution i.e. micro evolution and macro evolution seem to explain a different story. The concept of micro evolution generally applies to the animals and plants wherein the relation between the various species of animals and plants can be bred for numerous purposes. These purposes may include milk production, development of antibiotics and development of useful bacteria through biological processes among others (Think Quest, â€Å"Evolution vs. Creation†). According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, it is regarded that life in earth started many years ago. Life in earth started by way of animals and plants that are considered to be the first creatures in this planet. They continue to populate the planet till date. This theory also lays its stress on the fact that human beings were actually developed by way of a long evolutionary process and apes are considered to be true ancestors of human beings (Mahoney 2). It is strongly regarded as a biological evolutionary pr ocess that took the final path after millions of years of this particular process (Strobel 89). Thus, based on these leanings, it is apparent that the process of creation does have a strong relationship with evolution. Furthermore, other books such as ‘Mere Creation’ and ‘Three Views of Creation and Evolution’ showed relationship between creation and evolution. Most importantly, the preaching in the books was made in accordance with the close relationship between creation and evolution (Got Questions Ministries, â€Å"What Does The Bible Say About Creation Vs. Evolution?†). The notions of both creation and evolution can be precisely understood and according to broad Christian beliefs, there is a particular process through which every living organism including human beings passes through. The scientific

Monday, February 3, 2020

Human Resource Management assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Resource Management assignment 2 - Essay Example While our objective remains to do the most we can for the stakeholders of the company, there are several constraints placed on us and an understanding of these constraints as well as the means by which we can work around them is essential for the management of the company. The first and primary concerns which we have with regard to the pay and remuneration package are legal concerns. Since the call centre is not expected to have directors or people at the board of the company working within it, the issues surrounding stock based bonuses and director’s salaries may be removed from the table but other issues such as performance based bonuses which cause our call centre employees to become more than motivated to pressure customers into signing up for one of our products or another may be ethically and legally questionable. Therefore we must be careful while linking the sales of our products with performance. There is also the question of broader legal issues such as age, race, gender, religious affiliations and other measures of equality on which discrimination must not take place with regard to the salaries given to employees at the same level in the company (Foot and Hook, 2005). As a worker’s rights issue, a lot has been done in the past to create equality with regard to these measures and legislation certainly exists to prevent discrimination between employees. However, it is also certain that such discriminatory practices exist in Europe as well as America despite the push from the law against it. We need to make sure that as a company we do not discriminate and this assurance can come from an external audit of our salary systems and remuneration packages. Further, if we are ever taken to court on the basis of discrimination with regard to salaries given to the employees, an external auditor can be of great use in showing that we do not engage in such practices. Understandably, ethical concerns go hand in hand with legal concerns