Saturday, November 2, 2019

Unemployment in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Unemployment in Europe - Essay Example A survey conducted in 2006, an assessment of the unemployment rates in various countries in Europe was carried out. As per the results of that survey, unemployment in Europe in general is currently as high as 4% to 17%. (Kurten, 2006). Not only this, the rate of unemployment was assessed to decrease further in the coming years, which is the biggest cause of concern among the youth of the European nations. The same study by Kurten (2006) revealed that till 2004, people below 25 years of age belonging to the European Union faced unemployment in the percentage of over 18.6%. What particularly raises a lot of difficulties in the way of young Europeans getting employed is a lack of sufficient experience that would get them qualified for the jobs. Any journey has to start from a point. Unfortunately, young Europeans can not start because the employers expect them to have considerable experience that is not possible without at least one employer having compromised upon lack of experience and accepted a fresh graduate. Moreover, employers in Europe conventionally judge the skills of a person through his/her CV. This way, many potential employees fail to be even considered for selection simply because the CVs are not convincing enough in terms of experience. In addition to that, employers in Europe generally tend to evaluate the proficiency of an individual through his/her experience with the first job. This can prove very unfortunate for an individual in that even if he/she remained employed with some infamous and unrenowned company for a considerable length of time in the start of his/her career, he/she might have extreme difficulty searching another job after leaving the first one. The consequences can be even worse if the individual got expelled from the first job for some reason, even if he/she was not at fault at all. On the other hand, employees themselves feel demotivated by repeated rejections and expulsions

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